
My name is Jason and I am a software developer in the Bay Area. For fun I like to hike, run, shoot some photos, and take advantage of the many other activities California state has to offer. To the right you will see my resume.

Recent Books
  • Head First Design Patterns
    Head First Design Patterns
    by Elisabeth Freeman, Eric Freeman, Bert Bates, Kathy Sierra, Elisabeth Robson

Even at a young age, Jason had an interest in all things that blinked. He taught himself how to program BASIC on the family’s first computer, a Texas Instrument TI-99/4A, before he reached the age of 10. The programs that he wrote, which were usually based around randomly scoring\judging his “slam dunks” on his basketball hoop shaped laundry hamper, would be saved on audio cassettes since the system did not have any other type of storage.

In high school Jason was introduced to bulletin board services (BBS), started building his own computers from store bought components, entered a programming contest, and was often called out of class to help the school principal troubleshoot his computer issues.

When he entered college he started working in a ComputerLand. Working in the repair department his knowledge of general troubleshooting of hardware and software issues grew exponentially. This led him to his on campus job at Michigan State University’s Physical Plant where he gained networking experience.

In college he started taking classes learning C++, VHDL, assembly, and digital logic and circuit design. His nerds dreams were coming true.

Since graduating he has worked for technology companies wearing many hats; system administrator, developer, tester, and advisor. Always known for his strong work ethic, sense of humor, and integrity, Jason continuously enjoys a variety challeging technology positions.